The first briefing to discuss the progress of the Expedition
Four mission aboard the International Space Station is set for 2
p.m. EST Thursday, Jan. 10. The event will be broadcast on NASA
Television from the Johnson Space Center in Houston.

Expedition Four Commander Yury Onufrienko and Flight Engineers Carl
Walz and Dan Bursch are beginning their second month in orbit aboard
the space station, gearing up for the first Extravehicular Activity.
The spacewalk, conducted by Onufrienko and Walz, is scheduled for on
Jan. 14.

The crewmembers may perform up to four spacewalks to continue
station assembly during their time in orbit, while continuing to
perform a host of scientific experiments.

Briefers will include:

* Annette Hasbrook, ISS Flight Director

* Susan Brand, Expedition Four Increment Manager

* John Uri, Expedition Four Increment Scientist

* Daryl Schuck, Expedition Four Lead EVA officer, who will preview
the activities to be conducted during the spacewalk

Reporters at participating NASA centers will be able to ask
questions. NASA TV can be found on GE-2, Transponder 9C, vertical
polarization at 85 degrees West longitude, 3880 MHz, with audio at
6.8 MHz. Additional information on the International Space Station
and the Expedition Four crew can be found on the Internet at: