Isavia ANS, Iceland’s Air Navigation Service Provider (ANSP), announced today that it has successfully implemented Aireon’s space-based Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) system in their 5.4 million square kilometers of controlled airspace, making it one of the largest deployments to-date.

Isavia ANS provides air navigation services that span the North Pole to Scotland, and from the Greenwich Meridian in the east to west of Greenland. Aireon’s system extends Isavia’s current ground-based air traffic surveillance framework, focusing on enhancing real-time air traffic surveillance in the corridor connecting Europe and North America to all customers. Isavia’s initial use of Aireon’s space-based system is in all airspace south of 70 degrees north, providing coverage to those sectors. Aireon’s system is not only extending Air Traffic Service (ATS) surveillance in oceanic airspace, but it also represents an ideal solution for a region where weather disruptions can create issues and ground sensor maintenance is a challenge.

“With the operational deployment of Aireon’s air traffic surveillance system, the coverage of Isavia ANS’s vast control area was fortified immediately, enabling both increased efficiency and safety of our service,” said Guðmundur J. Kristjánsson, Project Manager, Isavia ANS. He added, “Aireon’s implementation team worked around the clock with our operational staff, during a global pandemic, to complete the system acceptance phase and usher in our next generation of real-time air traffic capabilities.” 

“Isavia ANS controls one of the most strategic airspaces in the world, overseeing 30 million passengers to date. The collaboration and dedication of the teams to deploy the system has been incredible,” said Michele Carandente, Director of EMEA, Aireon. “Isavia ANS has shown extraordinary leadership in moving the system into the operational phase.”

Aireon’s data, from a functional perspective, has been integrated into Isavia ANS’s Display System (ISDS), Flight Data Processing System (FDPS) and the ATM Surveillance Tracker and Server (ARTAS), a widely used Surveillance Data Processing System in Europe.

About Isavia ANS

Isavia ANS, Iceland’s Air Navigation Service Provider (ANSP), provides air navigation services for domestic and international flights in the Reykjavik Control Area and at Icelandic airports. Isavia ANS provides air navigation services that span the North Pole to Scotland, and from the Greenwich Meridian in the east to west of Greenland. Over a quarter of all air traffic crossing the North Atlantic passes through the Isavia ANS’s managed Reykjavik Control Area, where customers enjoy flexibility with regard to flight routing and altitudes.


About Aireon LLC


Aireon operates the first ever, space-based air traffic surveillance system for Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) equipped aircraft throughout the entire globe. Aireon harnesses next-generation aviation surveillance technologies that were formerly ground-based and extends their reach throughout the world to significantly improve efficiency, enhance safety, reduce emissions and provide cost savings benefits to all stakeholders. Aireon’s high-fidelity, low-latency surveillance data is available for various applications, allowing aerospace industry partners access to revolutionary data capabilities that enhance asset tracking, aircraft situational awareness and decision support analytical tools. In partnership with leading ANSPs from around the world, like NAV CANADA, Enav, NATS, the Irish Aviation Authority (IAA) and Naviair, as well as Iridium Communications, Aireon provides global, real-time, space-based aircraft data for enhanced air traffic surveillance, innovation and analytics. For more information, please visit