WASHINGTON (October 23, 2001) – The Space
Foundation announced today that plans have been
finalized for major players in the aerospace
industry to assemble and discuss the global
business of space at the International Space
Symposium. The symposium is scheduled October
29-31 at the Reagan International Trade Center
in Washington, and will feature two and one half
days of keynote speeches and plenary sessions,
sponsored events and exhibits. The Space
Foundation, in association with Space News and
the American Astronautical Society, is
presenting the symposium. NASA is the Host
National Space Agency.

National and international agencies and
organizations, major aerospace companies, and
federal space institutions are among those
supporting the symposium. To date,
representatives from 30 nations have agreed to
play a role on the agenda. Featured speakers

  • Ambassador Raimundo Gonzalez, Chairman,
    Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space,
    United Nations
  • Daniel S. Goldin, NASA Administrator
  • The Honorable Robert S. (Bob) Walker, Chairman
    of the Commission on the Future of the United
    States Aerospace Industry
  • Francois Auque, Executive Vice President,
    Space Systems Division, EADS NV
  • John B. Higginbotham, Chairman, SpaceVest,

  • Donald Abelson, Chief, International Bureau,
    Federal Communications Commission
  • Courtney Stadd, Chief of Staff & White House
    Liaison, NASA Headquarters
  • Lon Rains, Editor, Space News

    Panel discussions include the financial business
    of space; more robust satellite services and
    products; business without borders; global
    infrastructure; public private partnerships; and
    future space transportation.

    Major symposium sponsors are Arianespace, CNES –
    French National Space Agency, European
    Aeronautic Defence & Space (EADS), Lockheed
    Martin, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation, Space
    News, SpaceVest, and SPACE.com. Exhibitors
    include The Aerospace Corporation, Analytical
    Graphics, The Boeing Company, British National
    Space Centre, EADS, International Space
    University, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman,
    The Raytheon Company, Space News, and Spectrum
    Astro, among others.

    Complete conference information can be found on-
    line at www.spacesymposium.org or by calling
    the Space Foundation at (US) 719-576-8000 or
    toll free in the US and Canada at 1-800-691-4000.

    The Space Foundation is one of the world’s
    leading space organizations, supporting industry
    leaders, space professionals and educators in
    their efforts to promote all facets of space –
    commercial, national security and civil. For
    more information, visit www.spacesymposium.org