The first annual ISS Research and Development Conference will be held June 26-28 in Denver, Colorado. Organized by the American Astronautical Society with the cooperation of the Center for the Advancement of Science in Space Inc. (CASIS) and NASA, the conference will focus on research results from the ISS and future opportunities in physical sciences, life sciences, Earth and space sciences, and spacecraft technology development. With the theme “Results and Opportunities – The Decade of Utilization,” this is the only gathering that offers perspectives on the complete breadth of research and technology development on the ISS, including the full suite of opportunities for future research over the next ten years and beyond.

Plenary sessions will highlight major results and pathways to future opportunities, and will include keynote addresses from NASA Associate Administrator William Gerstenmeier, NASA Chief Scientist Waleed Abdalati and MIT Research Scientist Andrei Kounine. Organizations managing and funding research on ISS, including NASA programs and the ISS National Laboratory, will provide overviews of upcoming opportunities. Parallel technical sessions will provide tracks for scientists to be updated on significant accomplishments to date within their disciplines.

A member of the Astronaut Corps will share experiences working on the ISS. The meeting also includes a workshop designed to help new users take this information and develop their own ideas for experiments using this unique laboratory, as well as a Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Technologies workshop. Potential ISS users who attend will learn: “What can I do on the ISS? How can I do it?”

Program details and online registration can be found at

AAS, founded in 1954, is one of the oldest space stakeholders in the US. Its membership spans the gamut of the space community from individuals and corporations to academic and governmental entities