Lockheed Martin today announced the
successful capture and processing of live satellite data in its Intelligent
Library System (ILS)(tm). The image data, captured by the world’s first
one-meter resolution commercial satellite, IKONOS, is transmitted to a
ground station where it is automatically processed, catalogued and stored in
the ILS digital archive as earth imagery that can be electronically
delivered to end users or retrieved on demand.

This Intelligent Library System (ILS)(tm) installation, completed last year,
is configured to capture thousands of Gigabyte-size images per day and
securely store millions of images for easy and rapid retrieval. Until the
live satellite downlink, the ILS system was ingesting recorded images from
CDs and tapes, which will continue to be a complementary data source. As a
total file management system, ILS will track the data integrity of thousands
of terabytes of satellite images over time and automatically direct action
to ensure that files do not degrade.

For this particular installation, the ILS team integrated the data ingest
and archive functions with imagery analysis software on dozens of networked
workstations. The end-users can call up a variety of applications for
imagery analysis from the same workstation interface used to search and
retrieve imagery. As new software programs that manipulate and analyze data
become available in the marketplace, they can be readily added to the ILS
suite of integrated applications.

“We are extremely pleased to have been able to provide this customer with a
very robust application,” said Bob Schreiner, ILS Chief System Architect.
“This demonstration of our ability to meet the unique challenges involved in
processing and securely storing terabytes per day of live incoming data is
proof that the ILS delivers superior performance. In the end, ILS ensures
that the customer efficiently obtains and maintains the data and information
they need.”

Intelligent Library System (ILS)(tm), an integrated hardware/software
solution, employs an advanced hierarchical storage architecture, helping the
customer to contain costs for this large installation. Smart algorithms
anticipate the demand for stored imagery and pre-stage the data from shelves
or “jukebox” tape libraries to online cache as required. Lower resolution
browse versions of the images are always kept online for quick retrieval
over bandwidth-limited networks.

When they need to retrieve imagery, ILS users employ standard browser
interfaces to search indexed descriptive data (metadata) or circumscribe a
search area on a map. They can then order the full resolution imagery
immediately or place potential orders in an on-screen shopping cart where
they can be reviewed or plotted as footprints on a map before the actual
order is placed. The users can also elect to order only a portion or chip of
an image. Robust security features prevent unauthorized access to different
types or categories of files.

Lockheed Martin provides custom solutions from a scalable family of
available Intelligent Library System (ILS)(tm) products, configured to suit
each customer’s unique requirements for storage, retrieval speed and extent
and type of end-use applications. Hardware from leading pre-qualified
vendors is integrated with the third party and ILS software in the tailored
solutions. More information about the product and services can be found at
http://www.lmils.com .

Space Imaging’s IKONOS imagery is the highest resolution satellite imagery
available commercially, delivering resolutions of up to one-meter, i.e.
objects as small as one meter can be detected.

Lockheed Martin Space Systems Company, headquartered in Denver, Colo., is
one of the major operating units of Lockheed Martin Corporation. Space
Systems designs, develops, tests, manufactures and operates a variety of
advanced technology systems for military, civil and commercial customers.
Chief products include a full-range of space launch systems, including
heavy-lift capability, ground systems, remote sensing and communications
satellites for commercial and government customers, advanced space
observatories and interplanetary spacecraft, fleet ballistic missiles and
missile defense systems.

Headquartered in Bethesda, Md., Lockheed Martin is a global enterprise
principally engaged in the research, design, development, manufacture and
integration of advanced-technology systems, products and services. The
Corporation’s core businesses are systems integration, space, aeronautics,
and technology services. Employing more than 140,000 people worldwide,
Lockheed Martin had 2000 sales surpassing $25 billion.

For more information about Lockheed Martin Space Systems-Sunnyvale, see our
website at