Contract Modification Extends Integral Systems’ Support to Boeing through October 2007

Integral Systems, Inc. (Nasdaq: ISYS), today announced that it was awarded a contract modification for the GOES (Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites) N-P Program to upgrade a number of ground command and control subsystems. Integral Systems is a subcontractor to BSSI (Boeing Satellite Systems International, Inc.) of El Segundo, CA, prime contractor to NASA’s (National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s) Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, MD, for the development and manufacture of the GOES satellites.

The GOES N-P Ground System has been used throughout the spacecraft life-cycle from factory integration and test, through the recent launch of GOES-N, to the present on orbit operations. The system upgrade will provide enhanced capability and includes upgrades to the GTACS (Ground Telemetry and Command System), the MRS&S [MDL (Multi-Use Data Link) Receive System and Server], the GAIM (GTACS Archive Interface Machine), and the OATS (Orbit and Attitude Tracking System).

Steven Walsh, Integral Systems’ GOES N-P Ground System Project Manager said, “Integral Systems is pleased to continue to be a valued partner with BSSI on the GOES N-P Program team. This is a significant add-on to the GOES N-P contract with BSSI and is a direct result of our many program achievements, including the recent successful launch and support for GOES-N.”

GOES N-P is the next generation of GOES environmental satellites. The primary purpose of the GOES mission is the continuous monitoring of the Earth’s weather systems, producing imaging data products that are a primary source of meteorological data for the Western Hemisphere. In addition, GOES includes instruments to monitor the space and solar environments. GOES satellite operations are conducted by NESDIS (National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service) of NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) based in Suitland, MD. Integral Systems has been a key supplier for the NOAA GOES program since 1984, and this new contract modification extends Integral Systems’ involvement through 2007.

About Integral Systems

Founded in 1982, Integral Systems is a leading provider of satellite ground systems and has supported over 205 different satellite missions for communications, science, meteorological, and earth resource applications. Integral Systems was the first company to offer an integrated suite of COTS (Commercial Off-the-Shelf) software products for satellite command and control: the EPOCH IPS (Integrated Product Suite) product line. EPOCH IPS has become the world market leader in commercial applications with successful installations on five continents.

Through its wholly-owned subsidiary, SAT Corporation, Integral Systems provides satellite and terrestrial communications signal monitoring systems to satellite operators and users throughout the world. Through its Newpoint Technologies, Inc., subsidiary, Integral Systems also provides software for equipment monitoring and control to satellite operators and telecommunications firms. Integral Systems’ RT Logic subsidiary builds telemetry processing systems for military applications, including tracking stations, control centers, and range operations. Integral Systems’ Lumistar, Inc., subsidiary provides system- and board-level telemetry acquisition products. Integral Systems has approximately 435 employees working at its headquarters in Lanham, MD, and at other locations in the U.S. and Europe. For more information, visit