PA/M 00-10

A new infrared image of a massive iceberg that broke off the Ross Ice Shelf earlier this year is now available on the National Science Foundation (NSF) Web site. The image shows that a portion of the berg, which has subsequently broken into pieces, appears to be moving away from the ice shelf.

The iceberg, designated B-15, broke off the Ross Shelf in March. Originally, it was roughly twice the area of the state of Delaware. Tidal motion, however, has broken it into pieces. The eventual fate of the iceberg is unclear, but the satellite photo shows that the pieces appear to be moving in a westerly direction.

The photo was taken on June 12, 2000.


What: A satellite image of pieces of an iceberg that broke free of the Ross Ice shelf is available at a resolution of 300 dpi from the NSF Web site at


For more information, contact:

Peter West, (703) 306-1070/