iNet Communications and Newtec today announced the successful launch of a new high speed broadband service for Guyana, which enables download speeds of 10Mbps for the first time ever in the country, at affordable rates, using the IP Easy service operated through the EUTELSAT 8 West A satellite.
Newtec’s technology was selected to enhance a previous broadband service to a higher performance level. The new broadband service features Newtec’s VSAT Broadband Platform (Sat3Play®) and terminals (MDM2200 IP satellite modems, antennas and interactive LNBs).

iNet has already deployed the IP Easy satellite solution for several key users, including government (see picture) and defense, mining, small businesses and residential consumers. The service is ideal for customers with offices in multiple locations where satellite connectivity is the only option to provide connectivity. The Guyana Defense Force has confirmed its order for this satellite solution to be installed at four of their major remote locations in the Amazon Jungle. The first installation was successfully completed at the New River Triangle base, with the remaining installations due to be completed soon.

George Melville, CEO of iNet Communications, said: “When looking to upgrade our broadband infrastructure for this project, we wanted equipment which would be cost-effective and yet easy to install. This is why we have decided to partner with Newtec as their VSAT technology ticks all of the boxes, enabling efficient and high speed B2C and B2B services. The dishes have to be transported from Georgetown to remote locations in the Amazon via light aircraft, where the small size of the antennas facilitates easy transportation.”

Melville continues: “To be able to offer to all Guyanese an affordable 10Mbps connection over satellite for the first time is something we are really proud of. We are now the only telecommunications provider with this capability, and we are growing the network with several installations per day. Having an affordable satellite network that is simple to install, versatile and robust, is a milestone for Guyana.”

Guyana has a large number of mines in the Amazon Rainforest and so providing service to the mining community was an important priority for the project. Despite the continent being prone to heavy rainfall, the satellite service has minimal disruptions and can withstand heavy rain with no disruption of service thanks to the Newtec technology used. Several mining camps have already been equipped with the new service.

Serge Van Herck, CEO of Newtec, said: “Working on this project is very exciting for Newtec and we are pleased that we can help provide the whole of Guyana with connectivity at a competitive price. The iNet satellite broadband solution offers the Guyanese people services to improve economic sustainability and growth.”

For more information about the challenges solved by consumer and business VSAT solutions, visit

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Your Contacts
Kerstin Roost
Public Relations Director
Tel: +49 30 430 95 562

iNet Communications
Tel:+592 225 3364 or +592 225 4657