The Proton launch of the AMC-9 satellite was postponed today.

During prelaunch verification activities at the launch pad a
launch vehicle component anomaly was identified that requires
replacement or rework. Since this task cannot be accomplished on pad,
the launcher will have to be destacked.

Khrunichev State Research and Production Space Center and
International Launch Services will announce a new launch date as soon
as the component is repaired or replaced. A new launch date is
currently estimated to be within 30 days. The satellite is being
launched for Alcatel Space and SES AMERICOM.

For updated status, please check the ILS website, or the U.S. domestic Launch Hotline at


International Launch Services, McLean
Michelle Lyle, 571/633-7463
mobile: 646/258-1400
Fran Slimmer
mobile: 646/229-4801