1.8 MB hi-res image

This satellite image of Manhattan Island, in New York City was collected at 11:43 AM EDT on 12 September 2001 by Space Imaging’s IKONOS satellite. The image shows an area of white dust and smoke at the location where the 1,350-foot towers of the World Trade Center once stood. IKONOS travels 423 miles above the Earth.

Credit: spaceimaging.com. Copyright ©Space Imaging. All rights reserved. Online and news media distribution or publishing requires permission from Space Imaging.

1.8 MB hi-res image

This one-meter resolution satellite image of the Pentagon was collected at 11:46 a.m. EDT on Sept. 12, 2001 by Space Imaging’s IKONOS satellite. The image shows extensive damage to the western side and interior rings of the multi-ringed building. IKONOS travels 423 miles above the Earth’s surface at a speed of 17,500 miles per hour.

Credit: spaceimaging.com. Copyright ©Space Imaging. All rights reserved. Online and news media distribution or publishing requires permission from Space Imaging.