Daniel S. Goldin regarding the death of nine-term U.S.
Representative Herbert Bateman, who was 72.
"I am personally saddened, as is the entire NASA family, to learn of the passing of Congressman Herb Bateman.
"Congressman Bateman was devoted to America’s air and space program. It was my honor as NASA Administrator to work with him for nearly a decade. Herb Bateman was always there for the Nation’s aeronautics and space program. He consistently placed the interest of America above all else. He was an ardent supporter of the important aeronautics and space programs conducted by the NASA Langley Research Center. He was a strong advocate for aggressive efforts to improve aircraft safety, efficiency and performance, with benefits ranging from individual aircraft to the entire airspace system. During this Congress, he provided the leadership supporting a decision by the House Transportation and Infrastructure Subcommittee on Aviation to hold an unprecedented hearing on the future of aerospace transportation, which provided an opportunity for the Committee, industry and the public to understand the goals and challenges in developing long-range technology to meet this Nation’s aerospace transportation requirement.
“Congressman Herb Bateman devoted constant time and energy working to improve America’s aerospace capabilities. He will be sorely missed by the Langley Research Center, NASA, and America.”