Fastest Growing US Union Representing Boeing Engineers, DoD & NASA Scientists and Engineers, and Public Sector Technicians Backs Illinois Senator

WASHINGTON, DC – The International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers’ (IFPTE), an AFL-CIO affiliated labor union whose public, private and federal sector membership includes engineers, scientists and technicians at the Department of Defense (DoD), the Department of Energy (DOE), NASA and Boeing, has given their backing to Senator Barack Obama for President of the United States. The IFPTE Executive Council voted without opposition late yesterday to endorse the Illinois Senator.

In response to yesterday’s action, IFPTE President Gregory Junemann issued the following statement.

“While IFPTE applauds both Democratic candidates, our union’s internal polling results, coupled with Senator Obama’s unblemished record of support for the critical issues facing IFPTE, prompted our action to endorse Senator Obama.

“IFPTE’s Executive Council agreed that Senator Obama is the candidate best suited to address the major concerns of America’s working men and women, particularly those issues that directly impact IFPTE’s diverse membership. The Senator believes we need to reform the H-1B program; he will immediately reverse the last eight years of the union busting promulgated on our nation’s Civil Servants; will stand against free trade agreements like NAFTA that fail to protect American workers; will address our nation’s dangerous health care crisis; will work to oppose irresponsible privatization schemes in the public and federal sectors; will work to protect the pensions and retirement security of working Americans; and will not only support the Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA), but will actively use the bully pulpit of the Presidency to work with Congress in ensuring that this all important labor law reform legislation becomes the

“IFPTE is pleased to join the millions of Senator Obama supporters and look forward to working with him over the next seven months as we move toward victory in November.”

Senator Obama released the following statement after learning of IFPTE’s endorsement:

“I want to thank President Junemann and the membership of the International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers for their endorsement of our campaign. They’re working to make sure that Washington is working for working Americans, and they’ll have a partner in the White House when I’m President. I’ll fight for organized labor by protecting the right to organize. I’ll support vigorous reinvestment in our federal research and development agencies, including NASA, to maintain America’s leadership in Science and Technology and to foster economic competitiveness. And I’ll stand up to the special interests and unite this country so we can bring about real change in the lives of American families — from passing universal health care, to putting money back in the pockets of middle-class families and making sure every one of our children has the world-class education they deserve.”

IFPTE is an AFL-CIO affiliated labor union representing upwards of 85,000 workers in professional, technical, administrative and associated occupations in the federal, public and private sectors.