The international organization that addresses aviation safety issues wants to expand its work to include commercial spaceflight.

The head of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) said Tuesday that the organization should draft guidelines for suborbital and orbital human spaceflight by 2019.

ICAO is holding a symposium in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates today through Thursday on emerging space activities. The agenda includes presentations by Virgin Galactic, Sierra Nevada Corp., and the Commercial Spaceflight Federation, among others.

ICAO does not have the direct ability to enforce any guidelines it develops, but its standards in aviation are widely adopted by national regulatory bodies around the world.

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ExoMars is on its way to Mars. The spacecraft, launched early Monday on a Proton rocket, separated from its Breeze-M upper stage more than 10 hours after liftoff. The spacecraft made contact with the Earth on schedule, confirming it is operating normally and on course to arrive at Mars this October. Left in doubt, though, is the schedule for the second ExoMars mission, a rover whose 2018 launch may be postponed to 2020 because a tight schedule and need for additional funding. [SpaceNews]

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Lunar Midlife Crisis

“He made the submission on the last day they were allowed to make the entry. We were all pulling him back, including myself, going ‘Hey buddy, you’re just having a midlife crisis.’ But I’m glad he stuck to his guns; I’m glad he’s stubborn as an ox.”

– Sergei Dobrianski, describing his father Alex’s decision to enter the Google Lunar X Prize competition. The father-and-son “Plan B” team, operating from a bedroom in Alex’s Vancouver condo, remains in the competition. [The Globe and Mail]

Jeff Foust writes about space policy, commercial space, and related topics for SpaceNews. He earned a Ph.D. in planetary sciences from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a bachelor’s degree with honors in geophysics and planetary science...