The International Astronautical Federation (IAF), in line with its engagement to fostering the “3-G” Diversity principles (Generation, Gender and Geography), is strongly committed to supporting and promoting diversity and inclusiveness within the space community, within the IAF staff, IAF volunteers and all delegates attending IAF events worldwide.

The IAF is dedicated to organizing, hosting and facilitating events at which everyone can participate in an inclusive, respectful, and safe environment. IAF events are guided by the highest ethical and professional standards, and all participants are expected to behave with integrity and respect towards all other participants attending or involved with any IAF event or activity.

At IAF events and in our virtual environments, it is our top priority to ensure a safe, healthy, discrimination-free atmosphere that openly accepts all individuals regardless of age, ethnicity, race, religion, nationality, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, gender expression or any other group

This policy applies to all IAF activities, including:

  • IAF Congresses, conferences, workshops and symposia
  • IAF meetings;
  • Exchanges among committees or other IAF bodies, publications and communications sent through IAF communication channels and carried out in the context of IAF activities.
Code of Conduct

The IAF expects its staff, members, volunteers and event participants to be guided by the highest standard of ethics, to communicate professionally and constructively, whether in person or virtually, handling dissent or disagreement with courtesy, dignity and an open mind, being respectful when providing feedback, and being open to alternate points of view.

Unacceptable Behavior

The IAF does not tolerate harassment of IAF members, IAF staff, or other persons involved in IAF events and activities. Any improper or unwelcome conduct that might reasonably be expected or is reasonably perceived to cause offence or humiliation to another person is prohibited at IAF events or activities.

Amongst unacceptable behaviours at any IAF activity or event are:

  • Abuse: any action directed at an individual that interferes substantially with that person’s participation; or causes that person to fear for his/her personal safety. This includes threats, intimidation, bullying, stalking, or other types of abuse; 
  • Discriminatory harassment: includes offensive verbal or written comments and negative behavior, sustained disruption of talks or other events, either in real or virtual space, including those that are related to or are based upon gender, age, nationality, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, religion, relation or other group identity;
  • Sexual harassment: any unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature that might reasonably be expected or is reasonably perceived to cause offense or humiliation. Sexual harassment may involve any conduct of a verbal, nonverbal, or physical nature, including written and electronic communications.
Consequences of Unacceptable Behavior

If a participant in an IAF activity or event engages in inappropriate, harassing, abusive or destructive behavior or language, the IAF reserves the right to take any action the IAF deems appropriate.

The IAF reserves right to:

  • Investigate the allegations;
  • Inform and warn the offender;
  • Suspend or prohibit the offender from participating in current and future IAF events and activities.
How To Report Unacceptable Behavior

If you experience or notice unacceptable behavior at any IAF activity or event; or have any other concerns about an individual’s behavior, please follow the incident reporting procedures below.

To report an incident or problem, please file a written complaint to the IAF Secretariat at While such reports shall not be made anonymously, the IAF guarantees confidential treatment.

A report should never be knowingly false or misleading about unacceptable conduct.

Appropriate sanctions also will be taken toward any individual who knowingly makes a false allegation of unacceptable behavior.

If you feel you have been falsely or unfairly accused of violating this Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct, you should notify with a concise description of your grievance. Your grievance will be thoroughly investigated and will be handled in accordance with our abovementioned procedures.

The IAF code of ethics and professional conduct is available on our website.