The International Astronautical Federation (IAF) is pleased to announce the call for nominations for the 2017 “IAF Distinguished Service Award” that recognises outstanding contributions by volunteers and/or staff to the work and advancement of the Federation.

The call for nominations for the IAF Distinguished Service Award is addressed to IAF member organisations, the IAF Secretariat and IAF volunteers.

Nominations should contain:

– A citation of the contribution to the IAF (one sentence)
– A summary description of the nominee’s role in support of the IAF activities;
– A letter of support from the nominee’s committee chairman or line manager.

The IAF Distinguished Service Award Sub-Committee will review the nominations received for the IAF Distinguished Service Award and will make recommendations to the IAF Honours and Awards Committee (HAC). The HAC would review the recommendations and make final recommendations to the IAF Bureau at the IAC 2016 in Guadalajara.

The IAF Distinguished Service Award comprises a distinctive pin and certificate presented at the IPC General Meeting during the Spring Meeting 2017 in Paris. The recipient’s registration fee for the International Astronautical Congress (IAC) will be reduced to 50% of the applicable fee for the year of induction (IAC 2017 in Adelaide, Australia).

Nomination documents must be received by IAF Secretariat no later than 15:00 CET (Paris time) on the 21 August 2016, preferably by email at (Subject line: NOMINEE’S LAST NAME Nominee’s First Name-IAF Distinguished Service Award).

If e-mail is not available, the nomination documents can be sent by postal mail within the above deadline to:

IAF Secretariat
IAF Distinguished Service Award
3 rue Mario Nikis
75015 Paris

Or by Fax to + 33 1 4273 2120

Looking forward to receiving your nominations!

Best regards,
IAF Secretariat