The deadline for abstract submission is quickly drawing near!

As a reminder, the deadline for submission is February 28, 2018.  Please be sure to share this deadline with any colleagues who may be interested.

Under the theme ‘Involving Everyone’, the IAC will be held in Bremen for the second time to bring together leaders, researchers, scientists, engineers, policy makers, industry representatives, policy-makers and students involved in space activities and related fields. The 69th International Astronautical Congress will be attended by world experts in space disciplines from space agencies, research institutes, universities and industry, sharing and debating results, studies, projects and visions for the future in space.

Original contributions on all aspects of space are solicited to IAC 2018.

The 69th IAC welcomes the submission of abstracts in the following categories:
Track A: Science and Exploration
Track B: Applications and Operations
Track C: Technology
Track D: Infrastructure
Track E: Space and Society
Accepted abstracts will be presented as oral or interactive presentations. Click HERE to view all technical sessions.
All abstracts must be submitted in the format requested through the online abstract submission site.

If you have any questions about the submission process, please let us know at