U.S. Representative Randy Hultgren (IL-14) welcomes the United Kingdom’s pledge today of $88M for the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE), hosted by Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory in Batavia, Illinois. This international project, at its peak creating nearly 2,000 jobs in Illinois, will be the largest experiment in the United States to study subatomic particles known as neutrinos.
“This commitment from the United Kingdom reinforces the strong case by the international scientific community to the value of this experiment and the unique capabilities of Fermilab,” Congressman Hultgren said.  “With this experiment, the state of Illinois will also maintain the exceptional scientific workforce that drives innovation throughout the economy, fostering a ripple effect of new jobs and life-improving technologies with it. I commend the work done by Director Lockyer, the Department of Energy, and all partners involved for making this complex international partnership a reality. I also thank UK Minister of State for Universities and Science, Jo Johnson, for his work in furthering the special relationship between the United States and United Kingdom.”