WASHINGTON – House Science Committee Chairman Sherwood Boehlert (R-NY) issued the following statement today at the NanoBusiness Alliance – Congressional Nano Caucus Media Briefing:

“I am proud to serve as a co-chair of the Congressional Nano Caucus along with my colleagues, Senators Allen and Wyden, and Science Committee Ranking Member Gordon.  It was a pleasure working with them on the 21st Century National Nanotechnology Research and Development Act, and I am grateful for the steadfast support and hard work of the NanoBusiness Alliance during our efforts to draft and pass the legislation. 

“Going forward, the Science Committee’s highest priority in nanotechnology is to see the Act fully implemented and funded to the greatest extent possible.  Specifically, the Committee will remain focused on the nanotechnology policy areas of commercialization, education, and health and environmental impacts.

“The U.S. is a leader in nanotechnology research and innovation, and we want to enable U.S. companies to take full advantage of American creativity.  We want U.S. universities to produce the researchers and workforce needed to discover and produce the next generation of nanotechnology products.  And we want to do good research on the health and environmental impacts of nanotechnology so government regulatory policy enables, rather than impedes, the introduction of new nanotechnology-enabled products to the marketplace. 

“I would like to thank the members of the NanoBusiness Alliance for taking the time out of their busy schedules to come to Washington to educate us in Congress about issues and progress on the front lines of nanotechnology.”