Today, the House of Representatives considered and passed Chairwoman Eddie Bernice Johnson’s (D-TX) legislation H.R. 2528, the “STEM Opportunities Act” under suspension of the rules. This bill addresses the underrepresentation of women and racial and ethnic minority groups in research careers at institutions of higher education and at Federal laboratories.

“This bill has been a long time coming,” said Chairwoman Johnson. “Women already comprise 50 percent of the population. By the year 2050, racial and ethnic minorities will also comprise 50 percent of our nation’s population. Many of these groups are woefully underrepresented in STEM fields. Our nation will not continue to lead in science and innovation if we do not tap into all of the talent this nation has to offer. While there are unique challenges for different groups underrepresented in STEM, there are also many common themes, and many common solutions.”

“The United States is in a race to remain the world’s leader in science and technology,” said Ranking Member Frank Lucas (R-OK). “The only way we will win is by utilizing America’s most valuable resource: our people. That means developing a diverse STEM-capable workforce at every education level and from every background. This bill will help us identify and reduce the barriers that prevent underrepresented groups from entering and advancing in STEM, which will help our workforce, our economy, and our country. I’m proud to join Chairwoman Johnson on this important legislation.”