Today, the U.S House of Representatives approved two bipartisan space bills that promote the Nation’s leadership in rocket propulsion development and provide licenses for commercial space support vehicles and flights. These bills will ensure America remains a leader in space exploration and development.
The American Leadership in Space Technology and Advanced Rocketry Act, or the ALSTAR Act, (H.R. 5345) was introduced by Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.), vice chairman of the Space Subcommittee. The Commercial Space Support Vehicle Act (H.R. 5346)  was introduced by Rep. Bill Posey (R-Fla.), a member of the Space Subcommittee.
Chairman Smith: “The passage of H.R. 5345 and H.R. 5346 reaffirms our commitment to keeping America the global leader in the growing space economy. These bills will ensure that America stays at the forefront of rocket propulsion technology and assure commercial space support licenses are fairly and transparently available. It is vital we continue to support NASA and our commercial space sector so that we maintain a vibrant space program to inspire generations to come. I thank Vice Chairman Brooks and Rep. Posey for their leadership on these important issues.”
Vice Chairman Brooks: “The Tennessee Valley has a rich history of supporting the space industry and NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center, which is why I’m proud to have sponsored the American Leadership in Space Technology and Advanced Rocketry Act (ALSTAR Act). This bill will ensure the long-term stability of the rocket propulsion industry through better coordination and collaboration between all relevant stakeholders. With Marshall leading the charge to explore and develop new rocket propulsion technology in conjunction with its partners, NASA can inspire the next generation to look to the stars and aspire to do the impossible.”
Rep. Posey: “Companies would like to utilize space support vehicles to train crews and spaceflight participants by exposing them to the physiological effects encountered in spaceflight or conduct research in reduced gravity environments. This legislation creates a foundation for more companies to engage in human space flight activities and support commercial space operations. I would like to thank Chairman Lamar Smith, Subcommittee Chairman Brian Babin and my Florida colleague Rep. Al Lawson for their support of this important, bipartisan legislation.”
H.R. 5345, the American Leadership in Space Technology and Advanced Rocketry Act (ALSTAR Act), designates Marshall Space Flight Center as NASA’s lead center for rocket propulsion and establishes it as essential to sustaining and promoting U.S. leadership in rocket propulsion and supporting the development of next generation rocket propulsion capabilities.
H.R. 5346, the Commercial Space Support Vehicle Act, provides a fair, open, and accessible process for Department of Transportation licenses and experimental permits for commercial space support vehicles.