FY01 Bill (Discretionary):  $80.55 billion

FY02 President’s Request (Discretionary):  $83.36 billion

FY02 Bill (Discretionary):  $84.15 billion

Taking Care of Veterans:

  • Fully funds Veterans Medical Health Care, providing a $1 billion increase over last year, $300 million over the President’s request.  Total FY02 funding is $21.3 billion, plus receipt collections of $812 million.
  • Increases Veterans Medical and Prosthetic Research by $10 million over FY01, bring FY02 funding to $361 million. 
  • Provides an extra $128 million over FY01 for the Veterans Benefits Administration to expedite claims processing.  Total FY02 funding is $955 million, the same as the President’s request.
  • Provides a $11 million increase over last year for the National Cemetery Administration, bringing FY02 funding to $121 million, the same as the President’s request, fully funding current and new cemetery operations and the National Shrine Initiative.
  • Veterans State Extended Care Facilities are funded at $100 million, $50 million over the President’s request.
  • Provides the President’s request of $361 million for major and minor construction, of which $20 million is for new cemetery land purchases in Sacremento, Pittsburg and Detroit. 
  • Provides $300 million in new funding for H.R. 811, the Veterans Hospital Emergency Repair Act, as it passed the House on March 27, 2001. 
  • Fully funds cost of living increases in compensation and pensions. 

    Addressing Critical Housing Needs:

  • Increases the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) $1.4 billion over FY01, bringing FY02 funding to $30 billion, $550 million below the President’s request. 
  • Housing for the nation’s elderly (Section 202) is funded at the President’s request of $783 million, $4 million above FY01.
  • Disabled Housing (Section 811) is funded at $241 million, $29 million above FY01 and $23 million above the President’s request.
  • The Housing Certificate Fund, which fully funds Section 8 renewals and tenant protections, is increased $1.8 billion over FY01, bringing FY02 funding to $15.7 billion.  Includes $197 million to fund 34,000 new section 8 vouchers. 
  • Modernization for public housing is funded $2.6 billion, $445 million below FY01 and $261 million above the request.
  • Severely distressed public housing (HOPE VI) is funded at $574 million, the same as the President’s request and $1 million below FY01.
  • Public Housing Operating Subsidies are funded at $3.5 billion, $120 million above the request and $263 million above FY01.  These additional resources are provided instead of providing funding for duplicative programs under the Public Housing Drug Elimination Programs which receives no funds as requested. 
  • Homeless Assistance Grants are funded at $1.028 billion, $3 million above FY01 and $5 million above the request.
  • Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) is increased to $277 million, $19 million above last year and the same as President’s request. 
  • The Native American Block Grant is funded at President’s request $649 million, the same level available last year.                                            
  • The Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) is funded at $4.4 billion.
  • Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFI) is increased $12 million over the budget request, bringing FY02 funding to $80 million, $38 million below last year’s level.
  • The Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight is funded at $23 million, $1 million above FY01 and 4 million below the President’s request.
  • Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation is funded at $105 million, $15 million above FY01 and $10 million above the budget request.
  • Includes language as requested to create a new Adjustable Rate Mortgage program in FHA 

    Protecting the Environment:

  • The Environmental Protection Agency is funded with an emphasis on state grants, particularly in the areas of clean water and safe drinking water.
  • Provides $7.5 billion for the EPA, $228 million above the President’s request and $283 million below FY01.
  • Superfund is funded at last year’s level of $1.27 billion, $2 million above the President’s request. 
  • Provides funding of $2 billion for Environmental Programs and Management, $42 million above the request and $73 million below FY01.
  • EPA Research is increased $39 million over the President’s request and $16 million below FY01, bringing FY02 funding to $680 million.
  • The Leaking Underground Storage Tank Program is funded at approximately the President’s request and last year’s level of $72 million. 
  • Safe Drinking Water State Revolving Funds are funded at $850 million, $25 million more than last year and the budget request.
  • Clean Water State Revolving Funds are funded at 1.2 billion, the same as last year’s House bill. 
  • Funds State Air Grants at $217 million, $8 million over last year.
  • Sec. 106 and 319 water grants are also increased a total of $110 million. 
  • Includes language identical to previous years prohibiting the use of funds for proposing or issuing rules, regulations, decrees, or orders for the purpose of implementing or preparing for implementation of the Kyoto Protocol.

    Investing in Science and Technology Research:

  • The National Science Foundation (NSF) is increased $414 million over last year’s level and $368 million over the budget request, bringing FY02 funding to $4.8 billion, the largest NSF budget ever.   Funding includes:  $3.64 billion for research; $135 million for research equipment; and $885 million for education and human resources.  This is a 9% increase over the 2001 level.

    Funding For Space Programs:

  • NASA funding is increased by $641 million over FY01, bringing FY02 funding to $14.9 billion, $415 million above the President’s request.
  • Funding for the International Space Station programs is increased by $310 million, $35 million for research and $275 million for development of a Crew Return Vehicle.
  • Shuttle operations are fully funded at the budget request.
  • Shuttle upgrades are reduced to reflect project cancellations, and the funding is added to an augmentation of $35 million to begin urgent repairs to the Vehicle Assembly Building at Kennedy Space Center.

    Other Items of Interest:

  • The Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board is funded at $8 million, .5 million above the last year’s level.
  • The bill provides no funds for the Corporation for National and Community Service.  
  • The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is funded at $1.4 billion for Disaster Relief, the same as the budget request.
  • FEMA’s firefighting program is funded at the budget request of $100 million.