Washington, D.C. – House Appropriations Committee Chairman C.W. Bill Young
issued the following statement on the supplemental disaster assistance
request submitted by the Administration today.

“Floridians have suffered greatly over the last several weeks. Our
communities have been damaged but the resolve of our citizens is strong.
The Administration has done an excellent job helping Florida recover from
these devastating natural disasters. Governor Jeb Bush, FEMA, NOAA, state
and local emergency management officials, the Florida National Guard,
volunteer organizations and many others should be commended for leading the
swift, professional recovery efforts for these back-to-back storms.

Congress cleared the first request for hurricane assistance in one day with
no extraneous additions. This request should be dealt with in a similar
fashion. I will introduce a supplemental bill today that closely mirrors
the President’s request. I plan to move this package quickly and cleanly
through the Congress. The sooner we get it on the President’s desk, the
sooner the aid can flow to our ailing communities.”

This request will deal with the aftermath of the most recent hurricanes, but
with more storms on the horizon additional assistance could be necessary.”

FY 2004 Disaster Supplemental (BA, in millions of dollars)


Commerce-Justice-State Subcommittee

– Disaster loans program account (direct loans) 248.0
– Disaster loans program account (admin expenses) 209.0

Defense Subcommittee

– Operation and maintenance, defense-wide 72.5

Energy and Water Subcommittee

Corps of Engineers:
– Operation and maintenance, general 30.0
– Flood control and coastal emergencies 88.0

Homeland Security Subcommittee

Homeland Security:
– Disaster relief fund 2,000.0
– Coast Guard, Operating expenses 8.0

Interior Subcommittee

– Fish and wildlife service, Construction 13.9
– NPS, Construction and major maintenance 7.4

Labor-HHS-Education Subcommittee

– Public health and social services emergency fund 50.0

Transportation-Treasury Subcommittee

Executive Office of the President:
– Unanticipated needs (for American Red Cross) 70.0

VA-HUD-Independent Agencies Subcommittee

– Community Development Fund 150.0

Veterans Affairs:
– Veterans Health Admin, Medical services 5.8
– Veterans Health Admin, Medical facilities 16.8
– Veterans Health Admin, Medical administration 1.5

Space flight capabilities 126.0
Total 3,096.9