FMA Live! Where Science Rocks to reach 125,000 students in more than 150 middle schools in 100 communities to inspire the next generation, help improve student proficiency

Honeywell and the National Aeronautics and Space
Administration (NASA) today launched the inaugural tour of FMA Live!
Where Science Rocks, a dynamic ‘rock and roll’ education program
geared to students in grades six through eight. Named after Sir Isaac
Newton’s Second Law, Force equals Mass times Acceleration, FMA Live!
Where Science Rocks uses a diverse troupe of live actors, music,
videos and demonstrations to teach Newton’s Three Laws of Motion and
the Universal Law of Gravity in a powerful and memorable way.

FMA Live! Where Science Rocks is the focus of a new national
partnership between Honeywell Hometown Solutions, the company’s
community relations initiative, and NASA that was also announced
today. The mission of the partnership is to engage middle-school
students in the wonders of science, technology and math through
innovative education programs that demonstrate the relevance of the
natural sciences to children’s daily lives. FMA Live! Where Science
Rocks addresses critical science curriculum objectives that enable
students to better understand science and help improve their

“Right now, tomorrow’s space explorers are seated in America’s
classrooms — asking questions, solving problems and conducting
experiments,” said Dr. Adena Williams Loston, NASA’s Associate
Administrator for Education. “As we work to carry NASA’s new vision
forward, outreach initiatives like our partnership with Honeywell for
FMA Live! Where Science Rocks help us to work closely with our schools
to foster learning environments that will inspire young people to set
their sights on venturing to the Moon, to Mars and beyond.”

Honeywell Hometown Solutions will underwrite all the costs of FMA
Live! Where Science Rocks which will tour the United States for 18
weeks in 2004 and will travel to 45 middle schools in 25 markets,
including: Phoenix, Chicago, Minneapolis, Seattle, Detroit, and
Washington, D.C. Over the next three years, FMA Live! Where Science
Rocks is expected to reach an estimated 125,000 students in more than
150 middle schools in 100 communities.

“As a technology leader, Honeywell depends upon a talented,
inspired workforce to bring innovative solutions to our customers and
our communities,” said Bob Johnson, President and CEO Honeywell
Aerospace. “It is an honor for us to be partnering with NASA and we
believe our FMA Live! Where Science Rocks program will motivate the
best young minds in America to pursue careers in science, engineering
and technology.”

Employment opportunities in science and technology are expected to
increase at a rate almost three times greater than all other
occupations; however, enrollment in science and engineering courses at
the college level in the U.S. is on the decline. Research shows that
students who are proficient in science, technology, engineering and
math are more likely to pursue related subjects in high school and
college, and then in career fields.

More information on FMA Live! Where Science Rocks can be found at

To maintain our nation’s commitment to excellence in science,
technology, engineering and mathematics education, NASA established
the Education Enterprise in 2002, to provide students and educators
with unique teaching and learning experiences “as only NASA can.”
Working collaboratively with NASA’s Science and Technology
Enterprises, the Education Enterprise promotes education as an
integral component of every major NASA research and development
mission, which also now includes the agency’s new vision for space

The NASA partnership is a core element of Honeywell Hometown
Solutions, which focuses the company’s philanthropic and volunteer
resources on three issues of vital importance to our communities:
Family Safety and Security; Housing and Shelter; and Science and Math
Education. Together with leading public and non-profit institutions,
Honeywell has developed powerful programs to address these needs in
the communities we serve. Honeywell also partners with the National
Center for Missing & Exploited Children on an abduction prevention
program, Got 2B Safe!, and Rebuilding Together on house revitalization
projects for low-income homeowners.

About NASA

NASA’s mission is to understand and protect our home planet; to
explore the universe, search for life; and to inspire the next
generation of explorers, as only NASA can. Since its inception in
1958, NASA has accomplished many great scientific and technological
feats. NASA technology has been adapted for many non-aerospace uses by
the private sector. At its 45th anniversary, NASA remains a leading
force in scientific research and in stimulating public interest in
aerospace exploration, as well as science and technology in general.
For more information about NASA, visit:

About Honeywell

Honeywell is a $23 billion diversified technology and
manufacturing leader, serving customers worldwide with aerospace
products and services; control technologies for buildings, homes and
industry; turbochargers; automotive products; specialty chemicals;
fibers; and electronic and advanced materials. Based in Morris
Township, N.J., Honeywell is one of 30 stocks that make up the Dow
Jones Industrial Average and is a component of the Standard & Poor’s
500 Index. Its shares are traded on the New York Stock Exchange under
the symbol HON, as well as on the London, Chicago and Pacific Stock
Exchanges. For more about Honeywell, visit