GREENBELT, Md. — What do the National Zoo and thousands of astronomers have in common?–stardust for one. Come to the AstroZone open house on January 2, 2010, from 12 p.m. until 4 p.m. EST, to find out more. AstroZone will be held at the National Zoo’s Amazonia Building in Washington. This free event is open to the public and no registration is required.

During the four hour open house, families, teachers, and kids can explore some of the current science happening in the field of astronomy. Participants will have the opportunity to meet scientists, do hands-on astronomy, and take home lots of cool astronomy-related resources. Activities will include experimenting with ultraviolet beads, growing a snaky beanstalk, designing an exoplanet, and much more.

The event is sponsored by the NASA Solar Dynamics Observatory, the Rochester Institute of Technology Center for Imaging Science Insight Laboratory, and the American Astronomical Society.

For more information about the AstroZone open house, visit: