The NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory Office of Education and Public
Outreach is seeking volunteers to assist in the alignment of NASA
instructional lessons to the Science Framework for California Public
School Standards. We are looking for motivated educators to spend
5-10 hours to help place our NASA curricular lessons into a matrix
containing the California Science Education Standards.

If you would like to view the Education matrix you may access it by
clicking to the link below.

If you register to participate in our Review, you will receive
information by mail including all materials needed to complete the
assignment, along with free teaching materials.

After you have looked over the lesson that we send you, we would like
to elicit feedback from you about the particular instructional lesson
you were given and the use of space science in your classroom
instruction, as well as the overall process.

Upon completion of the assignment you will be provided with a
Certificate of Participation, NASA Education Materials Standard
Alignment Review.

Qualifications for entry are: (1) At least one year K-12 science
teaching experience, (2) Knowledge of science content standards
(national, state, or district), and (3) Internet access.

If you are interested in participating, or would like more
information, please contact Jerry Hombel at

The deadline for participation has been extended to September 30th,
2004. We would like to compile the results of this project and
finalize the quilt by December 31st, 2004.

Please forward this message to any math teachers you think might want
to participate in this project.

If you have any questions or comments, please send them to

Thank you,

Jerry Hombel

ALVA PROGRAM/JPL-Cal Tech-NASA Education Office