Washington – Ranking Member Ralph Hall (R-TX) today announced the appointment of Rep. Tom Feeney (R-FL) to Ranking Member of the Space and Aeronautics Subcommittee.  Feeney replaces Rep. Ken Calvert (R-CA), who recently accepted a position on the House Appropriations Committee.

“I am very pleased to appoint Congressman Feeney to be the new Ranking Member of the Subcommittee on Space and Aeronautics,” Hall said.  “Feeney has a wealth of knowledge about America’s space programs, and he will be an articulate and effective leader on our subcommittee.  I look forward to working with him to help ensure America’s continued leadership in space exploration and research.”

Upon accepting the new position, Feeney made the following statement:

“I am honored to lead GOP efforts on the Space and Aeronautics Subcommittee.  I look forward to working with Chairman Mark Udall (D-CO) to continue America’s space predominance.

“I will use my new position to ensure America retains its preeminence as a spacefaring country and maintain its leadership in the aerospace industry.  America’s space and aviation endeavors must remain second-to-none in order to protect our national security and to sustain economic growth.

“My top priorities are to promote America’s Vision for Space Exploration and to sustain the vitality of all NASA centers including the Kennedy Space Center.  I will fight to continue the progress NASA has made in returning the Space Shuttle to regular flight and developing the Shuttle’s successor — the Constellation Program.  It is my hope to ensure the transition from the Shuttle program to Constellation will have minimal impact on the human spaceflight workforce.”