Hailing President Obama’s new plan for NASA, Governor Bill Richardson (D-New Mexico) published an op-ed today praising the President’s plan as “creating thousands of new high-tech jobs and helping America retain its leadership role in science and technology.”

In a piece titled “Commercial Spaceflight: Creating 21st Century Jobs” in The Huffington Post, Governor Richardson states, “I am pleased that President Obama and NASA chief Charlie Bolden have decided to promote commercial spaceflight — let’s get to work building this growing industry! The Wright Brothers would be proud.” The article can be found here.

In the op-ed, Richardson also states, “The excitement of commercial spaceflight is already inspiring kids to pursue careers in science and technology, something our nation desperately needs to remain competitive with emerging powers like China.”

“In New Mexico, our support for commercial spaceflight is already reaping benefits,” adds Richardson. “About 500 New Mexicans are now on the job, creating the first commercial spaceport in the world. Another 300 new jobs are expected this year. The spaceport is fulfilling its promise of inspiring young people to study math and science and developing our statewide economy. … The demand is there, and New Mexico will get its return on investment. Americans will get their return on investment, too.”