The National Science and Technology
Council Interagency Working Group on the Physics of the Universe this week
released its report “Physics of the Universe.” The report responds to the
National Research Council’s 2002 report, “Connecting Quarks to the Cosmos:
Eleven Science Questions for the New Century.” In its report, the Physics of
the Universe group examines the status of the Federal government’s current
investments, and makes prioritized recommendations for the next steps to
answer the eleven questions in the NRC report. The eleven questions are as

  1. What is dark matter?
  2. What is the nature of Dark Energy?
  3. How did the universe begin?
  4. Did Einstein have the last word on gravity?
  5. What are the masses of the Neutrinos, and how have they shaped the evolution of the Universe?
  6. How do cosmic accelerators work and what are they accelerating?
  7. Are protons unstable?
  8. What are the new states of matter at exceedingly high density and temperature?
  9. Are there additional space-time dimensions?
  10. How were the elements from Iron to Uranium made?
  11. Is a new theory of matter and light needed at the highest energies?

Based upon its assessment, the group prioritized the new research programs
and facilities needed to advance understanding in each of these areas.
Consistent with the goal of the President’s Management Agenda to manage
Federal research and development investments as a portfolio of interconnected
activities, this report lays out a plan for exciting discovery at the
intersection of physics and astronomy.

The report can be found at

The working group members include representatives from the Department of
Energy (DOE), The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the
National Science Foundation (NSF), The Office of Science and Technology Policy
(OSTP), and the Office of Management and Budget (OMB).

About the National Science and Technology Council

The National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) was established by
Executive Order on November 23, 1993. This Cabinet-level Council is the
principal means for the President to coordinate science, space, and technology
to coordinate the diverse parts of the Federal research and development
enterprise. The President chairs the NSTC. Membership consists of the Vice
President, Assistant to the President for Science and technology, Cabinet
Secretaries and Agency Heads with significant science and technology
responsibilities, and other White House officials.

An important objective of the NSTC is the establishment of clear national
goals for Federal science and technology investments in areas ranging from
information technologies and health research, to improving transportation
systems and strengthening fundamental research. The Council prepares research
and development strategies that are coordinated across Federal agencies to
form an investment package aimed at accomplishing multiple national goals.
For more information visit

About the Office of Science and Technology Policy

Congress established OSTP in 1976 with a broad mandate to advise the
President and others within the Executive Office of the President on the
impacts of science and technology on domestic and international affairs. The
1976 Act also authorizes OSTP to lead an interagency effort to develop and to
implement sound science and technology policies and budgets and to work with
the private sector, state and local governments, the science and higher
education communities, and other nations toward this end. The Director of
OSTP serves as co-chair of the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and
Technology and oversees the National Science and Technology Council on behalf
of the President. For more information visit