U.S. House Committee on Science Ranking Member Rep. Bart Gordon (D-TN) offered the following comment regarding the exploration plan proposed by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) today.  Rep. Gordon was among the Members of Congress briefed by NASA on Friday in advance of the agency’s formal public announcement of their Exploration Systems Architecture Study on Monday.

“Administrator Griffin is to be commended for constructing what appears to be a good, sensible programmatic approach to returning humans to the Moon and preparing for journeys beyond the Moon.”

“That said, I am anxious to get more information on the program’s expected costs, the impact on the International Space Station program, as well as the impact on NASA’s other important missions.”

“This plan is coming out at a time when the nation is facing significant budgetary challenges.  Getting agreement to move forward on it is going to be heavy lifting in the current environment, and it’s clear that strong Presidential leadership will be needed.”