Three announcements to be made at two separate locations: one at Google headquarters, the other at NASA Ames, Mystery Team will be revealed

What: The X PRIZE Foundation will announce three new competing teams for the Google Lunar X PRIZE next Tuesday, December 16th and Wednesday, December 17th. Two new teams will be announced on Tuesday, Dec. 16th via tele-press conference and a third in person at NASA Ames.

Tuesday, Dec. 16th The X PRIZE Foundation will reveal the names and background of two new competitors via a press tele-conference at Google headquarters (RSVP for conference call number). In addition, a current Google Lunar X PRIZE team LunaTrex will also be making an announcement.

Wednesday, Dec. 17th The stealth team (AKA “The Mystery Team”) whose members’ identities have thus far remained a secret, will reveal their true identities in person, at NASA Ames.

The $30 million (USD) Google Lunar X PRIZE is an unprecedented international competition encouraging privately funded teams to land a robotic craft on the Moon. The craft must be capable of completing several mission objectives including roaming the lunar surface for at least 500 meters and sending video, images and data back to the Earth. More information can be found at:

Who: Dr. Peter H. Diamandis, Chairman & CEO of X PRIZE Foundation, Robert K. Weiss, President of X PRIZE Foundation, Team Leaders and other team members

When: Tuesday, December 16th Teleconference: 8:30 am PST
Wednesday, December 17th Mystery Team revealed in person: 8:30am PST

Where: Google Headquarters Tele-Conference only RSVP for call-in number

Where: NASA AMES – in person Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA 650-604-3937

RSVP and Contacts:

Tues event: RSVP to Michael Timmons; 310.741.4884; by Friday, Dec. 12th

Wed event: RSVP to Michael Mewhinney; 650-604-3937 or Kimberly Newton; 650-604-5026


The X PRIZE Foundation is an educational nonprofit prize institute whose mission is to create radical breakthroughs for the benefit of humanity. In 2004, the Foundation captured the world’s attention when the Burt Rutan-led team, backed by Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen, built and flew the world’s first private spaceship to win the $10 million Ansari X PRIZE for suborbital spaceflight. The Foundation has since launched the $10 million Archon X PRIZE for Genomics, the $30 million Google Lunar X PRIZE, and the $10 million Progressive Insurance Automotive X PRIZE. The Foundation and its revolution partner BT Global Services are creating prizes in Exploration (Space and Oceans), Life Sciences, Energy & Environment, Education and Global Development. The Foundation is widely recognized as the leading model for fostering innovation through competition. For more information, please visit