Jorge Potti To Participate in Key Panel Presentation on March 14 at 10:15 am at Washington Convention Center Major Satellite Industry Event

Rockville, Md. (March 12, 2012) -Jorge Potti, General Manager of Aerospace at GMV (, the leading provider of ground system technologies worldwide, will discuss key technical challenges and operational issues associated with satellite life extension as a panel speaker at the Satellite 2012 Conference in Washington, D.C. The satellite life extension panel will take place on Wednesday, March 14 at 10:15 a.m.

“As the number one provider of ground systems technology for telecommunications satellites worldwide, GMV is able to offer an international view of the challenges and opportunities related to satellite life extension addressing many industry implications, ” said Mr. Potti. “We will discuss an array of technical issues and trends related to the future of satellite life extension.”

The average life span of a geosynchronous orbit satellite is approximately 15 years due to the exhaustion of the propellant aboard. Even though the propellant is nearly exhausted the satellite’s other systems and payload are often still working. At the end of a satellites life, it is moved to a graveyard orbit, even though it could potentially continue functioning if it were more fuel available. Currently organizations are building technologies that address the life span of satellites through developments such as refueling technology and robotic repair and replacement of modular components while a satellite is still in-orbit. Better systems planning as well as advances in technology would likely generate millions of dollars for manufacturers and users.

In addition to Mr. Potti’s presentation, GMV will also be exhibiting at Satellite 2012 at booth #491. For more information about GMV’s ground systems technology, visit

About GMV: GMV is the leading supplier of commercial satellite ground systems in the world. Forty-two percent of the commercial telecommunications satellites launched in 2011 use GMV technology. GMV has been providing satellite ground systems to satellite manufacturers, commercial operators, integrators, and Space Institutions around the world for over 25 years. More than 280 space missions have selected GMV technology, and GMV’s operational systems are currently installed on six continents in 25 countries. GMV USA’s headquarters are in Rockville, Md. and GMV’s European headquarters are in Madrid, Spain. More information about GMV and its products can be found at