GMV ( is proud to announce that Orbital Sciences Corporation has selected GMV to provide its GEO flight dynamics system called focusGEO for Measat-1R, the new telecommunications spacecraft being built by Orbital Sciences Corporation for Measat Satellite Systems of Malaysia. focusGEO is being used by Orbital in conjunction with another legacy system to perform co-location monitoring of several Measat satellites.

“This contract is exciting because it puts GMV on the map in Southeast Asia with our first operational software in this region of the world, “said Theresa Beech, Managing Director, and Vice President of Business Development of GMV. “It also demonstrates Orbital’s confidence in our SW and our solid business relationship with them.”

GMV’s software will provide safe and optimal orbital operations of the Measat-1R spacecraft and Turn-Around Ranging processing. It will also ensure the safe co-location of the various satellites within the Measat fleet in the same orbital slot. For GMV, this contract means GMV’s GEO flight dynamics software will be installed in five continents and nearly 20 countries, making it the most widely used Flight Dynamics System software in the satellite industry in the world.

GMV installed the system in September 2007.

About GMV:

GMV is one of the leading suppliers of satellite ground system software in the world, and is the global leader in satellite flight dynamics for all types of satellite missions (LEO, MEO, GEO, HEEO and interplanetary). GMV has been providing satellite ground system software to satellite manufacturers, commercial operators, and Space Institutions around the world for more than 22 years. There are currently more than 70 satellites being operated from five continents and 18 countries with GMV’s operational software. GMV’s U.S. headquarters are located in Rockville, Md. GMV’s commercial aerospace software subsidiaries are in Rockville, Md. and Madrid, Spain. More information about GMV and its products can be found at