Starsem announces today the signing with Globalstar LLC of a new contract for one firm launch of the Globalstar constellation’s replacement satellites with an option for a second by Soyuz launch vehicles.

The firm launch is planned to take place in the first semester of 2007 from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan. The launch period shall be finalized upon completion of all necessary governmental approvals. The telecommunications satellites will be placed into a circular orbit, inclined at 52°, at 920 kilometers altitude.

The Globalstar constellation is designed to provide satellite voice and data services to its customers located around the world. Between February and November 1999, Starsem successfully launched twenty four Globalstar satellites, one half of the original constellation, using six Soyuz launch vehicles.

Globalstar LLC offers high value, quality satellite voice and data services to commercial users and vertical market applications from virtually anywhere in more than 120 countries. The company’s voice and data products include mobile and fixed satellite units, simplex and duplex satellite data modems and flexible service packages. Many industries benefit from Globalstar with increased productivity from remote areas beyond cellular and landline service. Global customer segments include: oil and gas, government, mining, forestry, commercial fishing, utilities, military, transportation, heavy construction, as well as individual users. For more information, visit Globalstar’s web site at

Starsem is the Soyuz Company, bringing together all key players involved in the production, operation and international commercial marketing of the world’s most versatile launch vehicle. Shareholders in Starsem are Arianespace, EADS, the Russian Federal Space Agency and the Samara Space Center. The Starsem manifest for Soyuz missions currently includes contracted launches for the European Space Agency, Eumetsat and Globalstar LLC.