Michael Braukus
Headquarters, Washington, DC
(Phone: 202/358-1979)

Pamelia Caswell
Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, OH
(Phone: 216/433-5795)


NASA’s Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, OH, has awarded
a contract to the QSS Group, Inc., Lanham, MD, to provide
scientific research and development services at the Center.

In performing the main tasks of the contract, QSS Group, Inc.
will design and develop aeronautical and space systems and
space-flight hardware, perform mathematical and theoretical
analyses, and conduct tests.

The work will support various activities at Glenn, such as
wind tunnel testing of new air- and space-flight concepts,
developing improved tracking and data-relay satellites to
greatly increase the amount of data that can be sent to or
received from NASA’s far-flung spacecraft, and improving
Earth-observing satellite systems.

The contract consolidates two existing contracts and is
expected to provide overall work efficiencies to Glenn. The
five-year, “8(a) set-aside” contract has a total estimated
value of $140 million.