NASA Deputy Administrator Fred Gregory announced
George Reese, Assistant Administrator for Equal
Opportunity Programs, has accepted a detail assignment
with the Department of Educations White House
Initiatives Office for Historically Black Colleges and
Universities (HBCUs).

Reese will be working with the initiatives director,
Ambassador Leonard Spearman, and the President’s Board
of Advisors on HBCUs on how best to ensure the
institutions’ long-term viability and enhancement.

“We’re glad to know that George’s energy and expertise
will continue to be available to the government,” said
Deputy Administrator Gregory. “NASA has a long history
of encouraging and supporting education, and George’s
background will enhance the Administration’s commitment
to the future of Historically Black Colleges and
Universities,” he said.

Reese has been head of NASAs Office of Equal
Opportunity Programs since 1997. Before that he was
Deputy General Counsel, Associate General Counsel for
General Law, and he served as a Senior Attorney and
Attorney-Advisor. He joined NASA in 1977.

During his 25 years at NASA, Reese worked on numerous
cases related to equal opportunity and employment
issues. He was the NASA representative and U.S. delegate
to the Legal Subcommittee of the U.N. Committee on the
Peaceful Uses of Outer Space. He also served for many
years as the Chairman of the NASA Contract Adjustment

Reese was born in Detroit and raised in Pennsylvania.
He received his bachelors degree from Lincoln
University, Pa. and his J.D. from the George Washington
University National Law Center, Washington. He also
attended the University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of
Public and International Affairs.

During the Vietnam War, he served as an officer in the
United States Army. Reese is married and has two sons.

Associate Deputy Administrator Jim Jennings will serve
in an interim role as acting Assistant Administrator for
Equal Opportunity Programs until after the first of the
year. “I know Jim will contribute much to our programs
and do an exemplary job in this acting capacity until
the new Assistant Administrator is on board,” Gregory