NASA TV Video File Offers News Feature Package
(Tracked and Natural Sound Versions) Plus Additional B-roll

A high school teacher and his students, from the Shoshone-
Bannock Indian Reservation in rural Idaho, created one of
the more than 80 science experiments aboard the Space
Shuttle Columbia (STS-107). “Fun With Urine” chronicles how
the award-winning teacher uses ‘gross’ and ‘goofy’ ideas to
interest his students in science and the NASA space

When: Tues., Jan. 28, 2003 @ 12 Noon EST

Where: NASA Television is available on GE-2, Transponder
9C, at 85 degrees west longitude, vertical polarization;
with a frequency of 3880 MHz and audio of 6.8 MHz

The web cast is available on the Internet at:

The script is available on the Internet at: