Frost & Sullivan
presented Lockheed Martin Commercial Space Systems, a division of
Lockheed Martin Corporation, with the Satellite Market
Product of the Year at last night’s 2002 Excellence in Information and
Communication Awards Banquet.

The Satellite Market Product of the Year recipient has
demonstrated outstanding reliability and mission success and excelled
in technical efficiency and versatility. The product ranks higher in
these areas than similar competitive products and demonstrates
continued superiority.

Lockheed Martin Commercial Space Systems was recognized for its
A2100 satellite platform. The most reliable and efficient of its
class, the A2100 has held an outstanding on-orbit reliability record
since it was first offered in 1996.

“The A2100’s simple and efficient designs allow for a lower mass,
better fuel efficiency, longer life-span, and higher power. Its
platform gives operators the power to design a satellite that will fit
their business needs rather than having to re-work their business
plans around the possibilities and limitations of the bus,” says
Juliette Salvalti, Frost & Sullivan Satellite Communications Program
Leader. “Overall, the A2100 is a winning balance between state of the
art technology and efficiency with controlled risk.”

Held in Scottsdale, Arizona, the Frost & Sullivan banquet honored
world-class companies for outstanding performance and achievements in
the information and communication industry. An annual event, the
banquet recognizes the quality and merit of these distinguished

“We are proud that the A2100 has received this important
recognition,” said Ted Gavrilis, president of Lockheed Martin
Commercial Space Systems. “I congratulate our entire team for
consistently delivering mission success to our customers around the

About Lockheed Martin Commercial Space Systems

Lockheed Martin Commercial Space Systems, based in Newtown, Pa.,
markets, designs and builds geostationary and non-geostationary
telecommunications and remote sensing satellites for customers
worldwide. LMCSS is an operating unit of Lockheed Martin Space Systems
Company, one of the core business areas of the Lockheed Martin
Corporation . Lockheed Martin has a 41-year heritage of
building reliable spacecraft for commercial and military customers,
having launched more than 875 spacecraft and clocking nearly 1,500
years of on-orbit performance experience.

About Frost & Sullivan

Founded in 1961, Frost & Sullivan, a global leader in strategic
market training and growth consulting, presents Market Engineering
Awards to companies that demonstrate excellence in their industry,
commending the innovative business strategies required to advance in
the global marketplace. Frost & Sullivan rigorously analyzes specific
criteria to determine Market Engineering Award recipients in a vast
variety of market industries and landscapes. For further information,