CLEVELAND — Astronaut Michael Good of Broadview Heights, Ohio, will be aboard space shuttle Atlantis as a mission specialist when it launches to the International Space Station on May 14 at 2:20 p.m. NASA’s Glenn Research Center space experiments and other activities also will play a part in this mission.

This 12-day shuttle mission will be Good’s second spaceflight. He was a crew member on the final Hubble Space Telescope servicing mission in 2009.

Below are the Glenn-related activities on this last-planned Atlantis mission.

Experiments Travelling to Space Station

Two exercise harnesses developed by NASA Glenn Research Center in collaboration with the Cleveland Clinic Center for Space Medicine. Crew members will test and evaluate these last of seven harnesses for comfort while exercising on a treadmill. This load-bearing exercise is critical for healthy bones and muscles while in space.

The Smoke Aerosol Measurement Experiment-Reflight, or SAME-R. Resulting data combined with data from the initial SAME experiment from a previous mission will be used to improve the design requirements for and the reliability of smoke detectors for future exploration vehicles and habitats.

Removal and Replacement of Batteries on Station

Six batteries being transported to station on this mission will replace the oldest of the external batteries used to store solar energy for use by station systems. Good and other mission specialists will perform this work during two spacewalks as Glenn engineers support the process from here on Earth.

Returning Experiment

The Intravenous Fluid Generation demonstration produced a solution that is being returned to Glenn for testing to verify the capability to purify water in microgravity to the standards required for intravenous administration. The ability to manufacture sterile saline solution of the same high quality that can be made on Earth has the potential to provide more options to treat ill or injured crew members on future long-duration exploration missions.

Ongoing Support Activities

Several Glenn engineers, working with other NASA engineers, directly support prelaunch, launch and landing operations, monitoring subsystems that stabilize the shuttle’s pressure and temperature.

Others work to ensure the structure of the shuttle orbiter remains safe throughout the flight. If damage is observed, they assess the situation to determine if repair is necessary.

Months prior to each mission, a team of Glenn engineers uses a computer code to simulate the ability of the electrical power system on station to support the planned operations as part of the certification of flight readiness. Their job is to verify that the space station will continue to have sufficient power to operate and continue doing experiments while astronauts perform work on the station.

In Glenn’s Telescience Support Center researchers and scientists are monitoring and controlling several experiments currently aboard space station, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Audio systems provide communication with various groups working to support station operations at other facilities. Real-time images of experiment execution are shown on video displays.

For Good’s biography, visit:

For the latest information about the STS-132 mission and crew, visit:

For further information about Glenn, visit: