Dear IAF Community,
The International Astronautical Federation (IAF) would like to kindly remind you that the 2018 Frank J. Malina Astronautics Medal that recognises outstanding contributions to space education by an educator who promotes the study of astronautics and space science, is still open until 11 February 2018.

The call for nominations for the Frank J. Malina Astronautics Medal is addressed to IAF member organisations in good standing. Only one application per organisation will be accepted per year.

The most important criterion for this award is that an educator “has taken the fullest advantage of the resources available to him/her to promote the study of astronautics and related space sciences”.

If you have a nominee, please submit the following information:
1 nomination letter;
The candidate’s credentials, including educational background, work history, awards and honours, and published works;
At least 3 letters of recommendation, two professional and one personal; letters from students are encouraged.
The nomination package should be forwarded under cover of a letter from an IAF member organisation, signed by the responsible official of that organisation, and listing the point of contact for any questions. The entire application should not exceed 15 pages.
The Frank J. Malina Astronautics Medal recipient will be selected by the Malina Medal Subcommittee who will review the nominations and make a recommendation to the IAF Honours and Awards Committee who will, in turn, make a recommendation for the recipient to the IAF Bureau during the IAF Spring Meetings in March 2018. The final decision rests with the IAF Bureau.
The Frank J. Malina Astronautics Medal comprises an engraved commemorative medal and a certificate of citation. The medal will be awarded to the recipient during the International Astronautical Congress (IAC) Closing Ceremony and the recipient will be invited to participate in the Gala Dinner of the IAC as a special guest of the IAF President. In addition, the recipient will deliver the Keynote Address in the E1 Space Education and Outreach Symposium taking place during International Astronautical Congress.
Nomination documents must be received by IAF Secretariat by the 11 February 2018 15:00 CET (Paris time), preferably by email at (Subject line: NOMINEE’S LAST NAME Nominee’s First Name – 2018 Frank J. Malina Astronautics Medal).
If email is not available, the reference can be sent by postal mail to:
IAF Secretariat
Attention: 2018 Frank J. Malina Astronautics Medal
3 rue Mario Nikis
75015 Paris
Or by Fax to + 33 1 4273 2120
For further Information about the IAF Honours and Awards programmes, please contact the IAF Secretariat at

We look forward to receiving your nominations!

Best regards,
IAF Secretariat