February 21-23, 2001

Sponsored by
NASA Headquarters Office of Space Science, Outer Planets Program
Lunar and Planetary Institute

Held at
Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, Texas

The newly created Outer Planets Program (OPP) Directorate at NASA
Headquarters seeks to synthesize the best of recent thought about how
planning should proceed during the next decade for exploration of the outer
planets. This Forum will provide members of the international planetary
community (including technologists, scientists, and engineers from
universities, industry, and government labs) a chance to share their best

Those wishing to attend the Forum must submit an abstract for a 10-minute
oral presentation. The deadline for submission of abstracts is Wednesday,
January 31, 2001, 6:00 p.m. U.S. Eastern Standard Time. Abstracts MUST be
submitted using the electronic submission form found at the meeting Web site
(see address below). Note that abstracts submitted by e-mail or fax will NOT
be considered. Attendance at the Forum will be limited to those whose
abstracts have been selected.

For more information about the Forum, including an explanation of the
investigation focus areas and detailed instructions for submitting
abstracts, please visit the meeting Web site at


or contact Ruth Netting at NASA Headquarters (phone: 202-358-0539; e-mail: