SEATTLE, WA, — November 15, 2006 —Wendy Lawrence, former NASA Astronaut and retired Navy Captain, joins Andrews Space, Inc. (Andrews) as a Senior Advisor for Human Spaceflight and Crew Safety. 

Lawrence was selected as a NASA Astronaut in March 1992 and is a veteran of four Space Shuttle flights.  She has logged over 1225 hours in space and has flown to Mir twice and the International Space Station once.  During STS-114, the first shuttle flight after the Columbia accident, Lawrence was part of the crew that tested shuttle repair techniques and supplied the ISS with 11,000 pounds of cargo.

Lawrence will serve on Andrews’ Senior Advisory Board as a Senior Advisor for Human Spaceflight, Crew Safety, and Safety and Mission Assurance.  In addition, she will participate in the development of the Rocketplane Kistler (RpK) K-1 crew and cargo module development, which is being lead by Andrews. Marian Joh, Andrews Chief Executive Officer, said “We are extremely pleased to have hired Wendy Lawrence as a consultant on our staff.  She will be an integral part of our COTS program.”

Lawrence retired from NASA in June 2006.  Her technical assignments within the Astronaut Office have included: flight software verification in the Shuttle Avionics Integration Laboratory (SAIL), Astronaut Office Assistant Training Officer, Director of Operations for NASA at the Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center in Star City, Russia and Astronaut Office representative for Space Station training and crew support. 

About the Company

Andrews Space, Inc. was founded in 1999 to be a catalyst in the commercialization and development of space.  The company is an affordable integrator of aerospace systems and developer of advanced space technologies.  To learn more, please visit: