Former U.S. Congressman, the Honorable Robert S. Walker, and former NASA astronaut, and venture capitalist, Dr. Bernard Harris have joined the Board of Advisors of Constellation Services International, Inc. (CSI).

“We are very fortunate to have Chairman Walker and Dr. Harris on our Board of Advisors. Both Bob and Bernard have uniquely valuable expertise to contribute to implementing CSI’s plans to deliver cargo to the International Space Station (ISS). CSI is committed to providing reliable lowrisk commercial services to NASA and other ISS partner nations as the first step in the President’s Vision of Space Exploration”, said Charles Miller, CSI’s President and CEO.

Robert Walker is currently Chairman of Wexler & Walker, a Washington, D.C. government relations consulting firm. Walker retired from the U.S. House of Representatives in 1996 after a twenty-year career, rising to become Chairman of the Committee on Science, Chairman of the Republican leadership, and Speaker Pro Tempore. Still active in space and technology policy, Walker was appointed by President George W. Bush as Chairman of the Commission on the Future of the United States Aerospace Industry and as a member of the Presidential Commission on the Implementation of the United States Space Exploration Policy. Walker is also a member of the Aeronautics and Space Engineering Board of the National Academies’ National Research Council.

Chairman Walker said: “I am delighted to join CSI’s Board of Advisors. I believe CSI’s ISS resupply service concept is exactly what the President had in mind regarding commercial participation in his Vision for Space Exploration. I believe that CSI’s near-term LEO ExpressSM Space Cargo service should provide great benefit to NASA and help make our nation’s space exploration enterprise more affordable, sustainable and credible.”

Dr. Bernard Harris, MD is currently President and CEO of Vesalius Ventures, Inc. Dr. Harris served as a NASA astronaut for fourteen years and flew on two Space Shuttle missions. He later became Vice President and Chief Scientist of SPACEHAB, Inc., and Vice President of Business Development for Space Media, Inc. Dr. Harris is also a member of the Board of Directors of Houston Technology Center, BioHouston, the Houston Small Business Development Corporation, and the National Space Biomedical Research Institute. Dr. Harris has an MBA from the University of Houston and an MD from Texas Tech University School of Medicine.

Dr. Harris stated: “I am pleased to be a member of CSI’s Board of Advisors. CSI’s LEO ExpressSM Space Cargo System solution is both timely and consistent with the President’s Vision for Space Exploration. As a businessman, and former astronaut, I believe that CSI’s approach will provide a robust and flexible service that could be extremely valuable to NASA and others involved in space exploration. I look forward to working with the CSI team.”

CSI was founded in 1998 as a commercial space services company and is developing a service to resupply the ISS using 100% off-the-shelf proven technology. CSI’s LEO ExpressTM space cargo system completed a NASA system design review in July 2003, and is modeled after Earth-based intermodal cargo systems that use standardized containers.

CSI has offices in Woodland Hills, CA, Alexandria, VA, and Houston, TX. For more information on CSI or CSI’s LEO ExpressSM Space Cargo Service, visit, or send a request to

“LEO Express” is a trademark and service mark of Constellation Services International, Inc.