Dr. Daniel R. Mulville, who served as NASA’s
Associate Deputy Administrator until last year – and a brief stint as Acting Administrator –
today announced that he is joining the Board of Advisors of Constellation Services
International (CSI), Inc.

“CSI’s LEO ExpressSM Space Cargo Service is the fastest and best way for NASA to get
more U.S. resupply for the International Space Station (ISS),” Dr. Mulville said. “NASA
has investigated the LEO ExpressSM system for two years, and now it’s time to move
forward and buy this service.”

“The international partners could have 3 astronauts at ISS right now, even with the Space
Shuttle grounded, if we had a backup resupply system,” Dr. Mulville continued. “In my
opinion, CSI’s off-the-shelf approach is the lowest-risk and highest-payoff option for the
U.S. to get contingency and/or additional baseline cargo quickly and affordably.”
In May of 2003, the crew complement of the ISS was reduced from three to two persons
primarily because of insufficient water and other supplies, due to limited cargo deliveries
after the Space Shuttle fleet was grounded after the Columbia tragedy.

“We appreciate Dr. Mulville’s public endorsement of the LEO ExpressSM Service, and
welcome him to our Board of Advisors,” stated Charles Miller, CSI’s President and CEO.
“Dr. Mulville and many others understand that the LEO ExpressSM paradigm provides
several unique benefits for NASA’s Human Space Flight program: it is faster, cheaper and
lower risk than all other resupply approaches we know about.”

“The CSI team looks forward to working with NASA to quickly and affordably build a
more robust ISS resupply capability by supplementing and backstopping the Space Shuttle
and international partner systems with our service in the next couple years,” stated Mr.
Thomas Moser, former NASA Space Station Program Director and currently CSI’s Vice
President for Programs.

CSI was founded in 1998 as a commercial space services company and is currently focused
on space station resupply. CSI leads an industrial team that is currently under contract to
NASA’s Alternate Access to Station program to define evolutionary capabilities of the LEO
ExpressTM system, having successfully completed a full System Design Review in July of

CSI has offices in Los Angeles, California, Houston, Texas and Alexandria, Virginia. For
more information on CSI or the LEO ExpressSM Space Cargo Service, call +1-818-710-
3877, visit our World Wide Web site at http://www.constellationservices.com, or send an email
request to press@constellationservices.com.