NASA announced today the selection of InDyne, Inc. of
McLean, Va., as prime contractor for its Kennedy Integrated
Communication Services (KICS) contract. Total estimated value
of the contract is approximately $190.7 million.

InDyne will provide communications services at Kennedy Space
Center (KSC), Fla., in support of the Space Shuttle Program,
International Space Station Program, Payload Carriers Program
and Launch Services Program Office Payloads. Under the cost-
plus-award fee/firm fixed price, indefinite
delivery/indefinite quantity contract, InDyne will also
provide center-wide business engineering logistics,
facilities management, hardware and software integration and
development for voice, video and data communications.

The KICS contract, with a period of performance of
approximately five years, is a small business set-aside and
the first of the five work packages contained in the Space
Mission Communications and Data Services (SMCDS)
solicitation. SMCDS will succeed the current NASA
Consolidated Space Operations Contract (CSOC). KICS will also
incorporate the requirements from the Visual Information
Technical Contract (VITC), and the telephone service
requirements of the Outsourcing Desktop Initiative for NASA

Other members of the InDyne, Inc. team include telecom
affiliate Verizon Federal, Inc. of Washington and
subcontractor Northrop Grumman Technical Services of Herndon,

For more information about SMCDS and KICS, visit the
following Internet site: