Pearl Harbor, Hawaii This four-meter resolution, color image of Pearl Harbor, Hawaii was collected by Space Imaging’s IKONOS satellite on Dec. 24, 1999. This is the first commercial high-resolution satellite image taken of Pearl Harbor Naval Base off the island of Oahu. A key feature in the image is the USS Arizona Memorial, which straddles the sunken hull of the battleship. The Memorial was dedicated in 1962, and became a National Park Service area in 1980. This image has been released by Space Imaging to commemorate this years 60th anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941.  IKONOS travels 423 miles above the earths surface at a speed of 17,500 miles per hour. The 1600-pound satellite was launched in September 1999 and is owned and operated by Space Imaging in Denver, Colo.  

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