The following information is adapted from a press release by

First Federal launch of LV Proton from cosmodrome
Baikonur is scheduled on 10 June 2002. The Express 1AR satellite will
be launched into orbit. All operations on preparation of the LV and SC
are going on per schedule.

It will be the third in this year launch of LV Proton manufactured by
the Khrunichev Space Center. During two previous launches commercial
satellites Intelsat-903 and DirecTV-5 have been inserted into orbit.
Both successful launches have been carried out for the joint venture
International Launch Services.

Launch of Express-1AR satellite will be carried out within framework
of the Russian Satellite Communication Company (RSCC) on upgrading the
Russian satellite constellation.

Totally, per the program, 7 modern communication satellites of a new
series Express-A and Express-AM are to be launched into GEO in