From: R. G. Marsden (

34th ESLAB Symposium: “The 3-D Heliosphere at Solar Maximum”

3-6 October 2000, ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands

We hereby invite you to participate in the 34th ESLAB Symposium “The 3-D
Heliosphere at Solar Maximum” to be held at ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands,
3-6 October 2000. Questions to be addressed at this symposium include:

* What are the dominant processes that determine the global structure of the
inner heliosphere under conditions of high solar activity?

* What are the key differences between the high-latitude heliosphere at solar
maximum and solar minimum?
* What is the extent of coupling between the low- and high-latitude
heliosphere near solar maximum?
* What is the latitudinal structure of transient interplanetary disturbances?
* What is the nature of cosmic ray modulation at high latitudes near solar
* What are the key questions to be addressed by the fleet of solar/
heliospheric spacecraft in the period 2000- 2004?

Many of these questions can only be answered by combining data from a variety
of sources, including both space- and ground-based solar observations, and
in-situ heliospheric measurements. Equally important are the theoretical
models developed to explain these data. While Ulysses will undoubtedly be the
focal point of the Symposium, an important goal of the meeting will be to
highlight and stimulate collaborative studies involving different missions
and/or modelling efforts.

The scientific programme of the Symposium will be structured around invited
reviews and contributed papers, the majority of the latter being in the form
of poster presentations with dedicated viewing sessions.

Session topics will include:

* The Sun and Corona near Solar Maximum
* The Large-scale structure of the Heliosphere near Solar Maximum
* Energetic Particles in the Heliosphere
* Cosmic Rays in the Heliosphere
* The Heliosphere in the Local Interstellar Medium

The following speakers have agreed to present Invited Review papers:

Prof. E.C. Stone (Keynote Address); Prof. P. Bochsler; Prof. L.A. Fisk;
Dr. S. Gibson; Prof. G. Gloeckler; Dr. J.T. Gosling; Dr. B. Heber;
Dr. J.T. Hoeksema; Dr. M. Landgraf; Prof. J.F. McKenzie;
Dr. M. Neugebauer (Symposium Summary); Prof. M.S. Potgieter; Dr. M. Reiner;
Prof. G.M. Simnett; Prof. S. Solanki.


1. Abstract Deadline: 31 May 2000
2. Early Registration and Housing Deadline: 25 August 2000

NOTE: All current information about the Symposium can be found on the World
Wide Web at:

Early registration and submission of abstracts must be done using the forms
on this web site.

*Scientific Programme Committee*

Dr. P. Brekke (ESA/GSFC)
Dr. B. Fleck (ESA/GSFC)
Dr. R.G. Marsden (ESA/ESTEC, Chairman)
Dr. E.J. Smith (JPL)
Dr. R. von Steiger (ISSI)
Dr. K.-P. Wenzel (ESA/ESTEC)


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Luis Sanchez Duarte

SOHO Science Data Coordinator

European Space Agency