For Immediate Release

July 11, 2000


Robert Zubrin, President

The Mars Society


The last of a series of five paradrops delivering construction materials and equipment for the Mars Society’s
Flashline Mars Arctic Research Station failed to place its cargo safely on Devon Island this weekend. The first
four paradrops of station elements went smoothly and delivered the structure’s wall, dome sections and other
equipment. An unknown mechanical failure during the fifth drop resulted in heavy damage to the station’s
floor panels and accompanying construction equipment. Said Mars Society president Robert Zubrin of the
mishap, “Paradrops are by nature a risky business. It’s a setback, but we’re already examining our options for
recovering from it.”

Devon Island is located 75 degrees north, in Nunavut Territory, Canada. A polar desert with a 12-mile
diameter meteorite impact crater, Devon is considered one of the leading Mars-analog environments on Earth.
The Mars Society’s Flashline Station will support a program of Mars exploration operations research, in
which geological and other forms of scientific exploration relevant to Mars will be carried out under many of
the constraints that astronauts will face working in the field on the Red Planet. The purpose is to develop the
strategies and test the tools needed for successful and highly productive human Mars missions.

About the Mars Society

Founded in August 1998, the Mars Society, is a non-profit organization with over 3,000 members
representing 30 countries. Its purpose is to further the goal of the exploration and settlement of the Red Planet
via both public and political outreach, and private research. For more information, visit the Mars Society
website at