In late 2007, the acceptance tests of GMV’s Flight Dynamics System (FDS) for Orbiting Carbon Observatory (OCO) mission were completed successfully at Orbital Sciences Corporation. OCO is a NASA-JPL mission to be launched in late 2008 whose purpose is to collect precise global measurements of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the Earth’s atmosphere and obtain a better understanding of the concentration and distribution of this important greenhouse gas. Orbital is the manufacturer of the satellite and will also be responsible for the operations.

The system developed by GMV is based on its product focusLEO, a member of the focusSuite line of FDS products which have been selected to fly more than 120 satellites from operators and agencies from all over the world. It was fully customized to support Orbital’s LEOStarTM platform, to address some mission-specific requirements and to achieve a complete integration with the rest of the ground segment. This system includes multiple FDS functions including GPS measurement processing for Orbit Determination, maneuver planning, implementation and calibration as well as mass book-keeping.

About GMV: GMV is one of the leading suppliers of satellite ground system software in the world, and is the global leader in satellite flight dynamics for all types of satellite missions (LEO, MEO, GEO, HEEO and interplanetary). GMV has been providing satellite ground system software to satellite manufacturers, commercial operators, and Space Institutions around the world for over 22 years. There are currently more than 75 satellites being operated from five continents and 18 countries with GMV’s operational software. GMV’s U.S. headquarters are in Rockville, Md. and its European headquarters are in Madrid, Spain. More information about GMV and its products can be found at

Contact: Allie Gebhardt, 301-581-7293

Jennifer Strohm, 301-581-7294