Today in Philadelphia, Congressman Fattah met with NASA Astronaut Rick Mastracchio at The Franklin Institute to receive an update on his work onboard the International Space Station (ISS) and other human space exploration programs in development. Fattah, who serves as the lead Democrat responsible for the Appropriations Subcommittee with responsibility for NASA funding, thanked the agency for their commitment to outreach and education, including their partnership with The Franklin Institute.

“I want to thank NASA for engaging the young people in Philadelphia. It’s a pleasure to see the fruitful partnership between one of our city’s great science institutions and NASA,” Congressman Fattah said. “NASA continues to be on the cutting-edge of innovation, science, and technology, and it is especially exciting when they can bring their knowledge and expertise to our community.”

Astronaut Mastracchio was in Philadelphia as part of ‘Destination Station,’ a NASA awareness campaign that promotes research opportunities and educates communities around the country about the activities and research being performed on the ISS. 

“The ISS is an amazing laboratory in space, where science experiments and research on the human body are being conducted in a zero-gravity environment,” said David Weaver, an associate administrator at NASA Headquarters in Washington. “The ISS is NASA’s springboard on our journey to Mars and we appreciate Mr. Fattah’s support for the agency’s work here on Earth and in space.”

Last week, Congressman Fattah participated in another partnership program between NASA and the Delaware Valley Industrial Resource Center (DVIRC). The event was focused on connecting manufacturers and early stage companies throughout the Philadelphia region with the expertise from NASA professionals who could offer potential assistance in helping the manufacturers solve any number of technical challenges they face.

The event included remarks from Congressman Fattah, in addition to panels featuring NASA leadership from Goddard Space Flight Center, Langley Research Center, and Glenn Research Center.

Fattah has continued to be one of NASA’s biggest champions in Congress. Last month, he helped lead the House in steering $18.53 billing in overall funding to the space agency, with increased funding for several of his priorities, including Space Technology and Commercial Crew.